Sunday, August 30, 2009

[bioinfo] 15 months position in bioinformatics in France]

15 months Bioinformatician positionThe laboratory "Mathématique, Informatique et Génome " (MIG) from theFrenchNational Institute of Agriculture Research located at Jouy-en-Josas,nearParis is looking for a highly motivated engineer or post-doc inbioinformatics to work on the Meetac project.Project Abstract :Beyond its fundamental interest, understanding the implantationprocess is ofmajor importance in livestock species since the peri-implantationconceptusloss account for more than 35% of the pregnancy failure. Consequently,whenpregnancy does not establish properly, repeated services (artificialinseminations or embryo transfer) are required, with a negative impactoncalving intervals and a significant economical loss for livestockproducers.Implantation failures are diagnosed with a few biological markers(such asprogesterone and pregnancy-associated proteins) that discriminate thepregnancies failures rather late. An earlier and reliable diagnosismethod forsuch pregnancy loss is therefore a necessity and a challenge for thedairyindustry and would be promoted by the in depth investigation of thematernal-conceptus dialogue. In the last decade, high throughputtranscriptomic analyses have provided major advances in theunderstanding ofthe uterine physiology (mouse, human, livestock) and of the embryodevelopment(mouse, livestock), under physiological or pathological conditions.Integrating data from both uterine and conceptus compartmentssimultaneouslyis of major importance since the establishment and the success of thisdialogue require these two parts. This project will thus deal withbovinereproductive physiology, aiming at a comprehensive and integrativeinterpretation of the gene expression profiles generated on bothextra-embryonic and uterine tissues during the implantation period incattle.As in other mammalian species, such analyses (gene expression profiling,protein expression and interactions) have not been reported yet sothat thisproject looks like a real challenge to move along from genes to farmingreality. A back and forth analysis will thus be required, fromtranscriptabundances to gene networks, from genes to predictive biochemicalinterfaces,from in silico predictions to biological validations in experimentalconditions (vitro, vivo) and ultimately from these physiologicalconditions tofarming realities of early pregnancy loss. This last point will thencritically evaluate our scientific goals in the view of a “bench tolitterside” integrative approach.The candidate will participate to the missions assigned to MIG in thisproject:* Functional annotation of the the genes composing the bovine arrays* Identification of the putative bovine promoters and analysis of the TFbinding site* Integration of all the predictions into a single database.To achieve this missions, the candidate will have to extend existingsoftware(devellopped externally or in the laboratory).Qualifications and experience :Applicants should have : - at least a master in bioinformatics or amaster incomputer science with a good knowledge in biology; - strongprogramming skills(knowledge of at least one of the following languages : Java, C, C++or Perl);- ability to easily communicate with a variety of scientists(biologists,mathematicians,bioinformaticians) and to work within a team. - A priorexperiment in sequence analysis is an advantagePosition :15 months position in the Jouy en Josas INRA center (15 km SW ofParis) starting 1st of October. Salary depends on professionalexperience.Minimum gross salary is 2200 euros per month.Application :Applications must contain:* a curriculum vitae, - a letter of intent indicating the position youare applying to, and explaining your motivations* the e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and addresses of two scientistsfor reference* your source of information about this job offer.Applications must be sent to Jean-François Gibrat<> and Valentin Loux :<> before September 25th 2009.Further informations :INRA : <>MIG :<>Biowic : <>Do not hesitate to contact us for complementary information.--Magali Michaut, PhD

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